Social Media benchmarking

See how your products and brands perform compared to your competitors. We analyse the sentiment of conversations globally for your branch and identify influencers, possible leads and messages that might harm you. 

We can feed you with individual reports and comparisons of your products or productlines e.g. in dedicated regions (even cities or sreets), networks or languages. You can use these data to identify gaps and new customers or to measure the online success of your campaigns, always in comparisons to your competitors.

Expressed in numbers for the automotive sector you will first have to filter all messages concerning automotive brands. This comes to approx. 14,000,000 posts per year. Then you need a staff to read through these posts and to rate and qualify them in positive, negative, neutral statements or potential leads.

All this is fulfilled by our Social Media Service Center in real time. We will inform you immediately about negative statements as well as potential selling leads. 

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